This website belongs to the Nijbakker-Morra Foundation (KvK 41192182), hereinafter referred to as NMS. During your visit to this website, NMS may collect personal data from you. NMS will only use this personal data for the purposes described in this privacy & cookie statement and will do everything in its power to protect the personal data collected.
Data collection and purposes
Tijdens uw bezoek aan onze website herkent onze webserver automatisch uw IP-adres en waar, hoe en wanneer u onze site hebt bereikt. Tijdens je bezoek aan onze website slaan we alleen persoonlijke gegevens op die je vrijwillig hebt verstrekt (bijvoorbeeld je e-mailadres als je dit aan ons hebt doorgegeven). Deze informatie wordt alleen intern gebruikt en wordt niet doorgegeven aan andere organisaties voor commerciële doeleinden. We hebben geen partnerschappen of speciale relaties met derden op internet.
Wij hebben de nodige veiligheidsmaatregelen ingevoerd om het verlies, het onrechtmatig gebruik of de wijziging te voorkomen van informatie die wij ontvangen via onze site. Onze website werkt onder andere met een beveiligde verbinding (HTTPS).
We use cookies to enhance the ease of use of the Nijbakker-Morra Foundation website.
Cookies zijn kleine tekstbestanden die uw webbrowser op uw computer opslaat wanneer u een website bezoekt. Deze cookies worden vaak later uitgelezen, bijvoorbeeld wanneer u de website opnieuw bezoekt. Cookies dienen meerdere functies, waaronder het onthouden van uw voorkeuren en het bijhouden van bezoekersgedrag (webanalyse).
Types of cookies we use
We use functional cookies to record and remember your preferences as a visitor. This saves you having to re-enter your preferences over and over again, making the site easier to use. We use a cookie to show / not show the cookie notification on our site.
We use the following applications which use cookies: WordPress incl. cookie consent plugin.
We do not keep cookies to track visitor behavior.
Deleting, enabling and managing cookies
Through your browser settings you can delete existing cookies, allow or block all cookies and set preferences for certain websites. More information about can be found in the Help function of your browser.
Integral opt-out of certain cookie use
Some of our suppliers allow you to completely opt-out of their use of cookies (a so-called ‘opt-out’). This concerns services such as web analytics and advertising platforms. There are also third-party services (such as Ghostery) that allow you to protect your data. Please refer to instructions on this via the links below. Please note: Cookies are sometimes also placed before opting out, so do not delete them!
- Opt out for Google Analytics (browser plugin)
- Opt out for other trackers via Ghostery (browser plugin)
More information on Cookies?
On the following websites you can find more information about cookies:
- Consumentenbond: Wat zijn cookies?
- Cookierecht:
- Your Online Choices: De gids voor interest based advertising
Opt-out of communications from NMS
If you do not wish to receive future emails, mail or phone calls from NMS, please contact us by email or the contact form below.
Your right to access, correct and delete personal data:
You have the right to request access to, correct or delete your personal data, for which you can contact us. In order to prevent abuse, we may ask you to identify yourself adequately.
Do you have questions about our privacy policy and cookie statement? Please feel free to contact us. We are happy to answer your questions.