Apply for a grant

Apply for a grant

Upload a completed application form and complete the questions below. Blank application forms can be found and downloaded on the right.

Download links for the application forms

Application form travel grant master students

Application stipend researcher

Download the appropriate application form and fill it in. Export the completed form as a PDF document and upload this document in the application form on the left. Complete and submit the rest of the form.

The Nijbakker-Morra Foundation explicitly does not support:

  • the printing costs of theses
  • (travel) costs for a (presentation at a) conference
  • project grants for equipment and material costs (the foundation has stopped project grants as of the academic year 2018-19)

Content related questions about our support

For questions related to the student prizes, travel grants and stipends you can contact the chairman of the Medical Advisory Committee de heer prof. dr. P. Devilee directly on telephone number 071-5269510, per mail via of via his secretariat LUMC afd. Pathologie (mevrouw M. Kantebeen-Zoetemelk) on telephone number 071-5266622.

General questions about the Nijbakker-Morra Foundation

You may contact the chairman Ms. D. van Hoewijk on telephone number 020-6789 357.
You may contact the secretary Mr. R.J. Morra per e-mail via