Promising students can receive an incentive prize from the Nijbakker-Morra Foundation. This thesis prize consists of a sum of 2500 euros that can be freely spent to support the future research career, such as attending a scientific conference on cancer research abroad. A condition to be eligible for this incentive prize is that the student has completed a research internship in the 12 months before the deadline in the field of fundamental or applied cancer research and has thereby demonstrated a special talent and motivation for cancer research.
Students can be nominated by their supervisor, but the student must take the initiative to actually compete for the prize. Nominations can be submitted every year before 1 November 5 pm. The nomination must contain the following information:
- CV of the student
- Motivation letter from the student
- Recommendation/support letter from the supervisor
- Report of the research internship and/or copy of publication
The price is awarded once per academic year in the first week of February. Entries will be judged by the Medical Advisory Committee of the Nijbakker-Morra Foundation. The motivation is an essential part of the assessment and can be the deciding factor if the research is of equal quality. Entries for the prize can be addressed to Prof. dr. Dr. P. Devilee. Submission must be made through the Secretariat of the Medical Advisory Committee, attn. Ms. M. Kantebeen-Zoetemelk. Please submit by e-mail (preferably as 1 PDF):
Award ceremony 2024-2025 - Interested parties welcome
The next festive presentation of the student awards will take place on Wednesday, February 5, ’25 from 15.30-17.30 followed by a reception at Amsterdam UMC, AMC location, room M2-126, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam.
Award winners 2024-2025
The following student awards have been made for the 2024-2025 academic year:
- Marouane El Boujadayni, Chemistry, Leiden University
- Lisa Verhoeven, Molecular Mechanisms of Disease, Radboud University Nijmegen
- Niklas Kupfer, Molecular and Cellular Life Science, Utrecht University
Award winners since academic year 2003-2004

Year 2023-2024 - Golden jubilee year
- Anne Valk, Biomedical Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen
- Noah Helderman, Biomedical Sciences, Leiden University
- Scott Engels, Biopharmaceutical Sciences, Leiden University

Year 2022-2023
- Tam Binh Bui, Medicine, Utrecht University
- Daniëlle Koot, Biomedical Sciences LUMC Leiden

Year 2021-2022
- Madelon Dijkstra, Medicine, Amsterdam UMC

Year 2020-2021
- Dasha Fedorushkova, Medicine, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Floor Timmer, Medicine, Amsterdam UMC
- Florentine Verbeek, Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Year 2019-2020
- Mr. Coen Veenstra, Medicine, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Ms. Ziena Abdulrahman, Medicine, Leiden University
- Mr. Stephan Romeijn, Technical Medicine, University of Twente

Year 2018-2019
- Mr. Tiuri Kroese, Medicine, Utrecht University
- Mr. Jan Willem Bruggeman, Medicine, VUMC Amsterdam
- Ms. Maddelena Centanni, Medicine, VUMC Amsterdam

Year 2017-2018
- Mr. Emil Kelling, Medicine, VUMC Amsterdam
- Ms. Jisce Puik, Medicine, VUMC Amsterdam

Year 2016-2017
- Ms. F.M.G. Cornelissen (Fleur), student of Medicine, VU University Amsterdam
- Mr. T.J. Harryvan (Tom), student of Medicine/BW, Leiden University
- Mr. R.W. Jansen (Robin), medical student, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Year 2015-2016
- Mr. Thomas Foets, Biology student, Utrecht University
- Mr. Floris Dammeijer, student of Medicine, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Mr. David Cucchi, Medicine/BW student, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Year 2014-2015
- Mr. R.H.A. Berndsen (Bob), student of Medicine (MSc), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Ms. S. Mokhles (Sahar), student in Medicine (MSc) and Public Health (MSc), Erasmus University Rotterdam & NIHES

Year 2013-2014
- Ms. Daisy Wang, medical student (cell biology), University of Groningen
- Ms. Iris de Weerdt, medical student, University of Amsterdam
- Mr. Robert Jan Kwakman, medical student, University of Amsterdam

Year 2012-2013
- Ms. Bente Benedict, Biomedical Science student, Radboud University Nijmegen
- Mr. Sietse Aukema, medical student, University of Groningen
- Ms. Laura de Rooij, Medical Biology student, University of Amsterdam

Year 2011-2012
- Ms. A.M. Algra (Annechien), medical student, Leiden University Medical Center
- Ms. S.J.E. Veringa (Susanna), medical student, VU Medical Center Amsterdam
- Mr. M.A. Deken (Marcel), Biomedical Science student, VU Medical Center Amsterdam

Year 2010-2011
- Ms. N.A. Ottenhof (Niki), Academic Medical Center Amsterdam
- Ms. S. Lütje (Susanne), UMC St. Radboud Nijmegen
- Ms. M.J.G. Maenhout (Metha), Leiden University Medical Center
- Ms. M.N. Lauw (Mandy), Academic Medical Center Amsterdam

Year 2009-2010
- Ms. Judith Haarhuis, Biomedical Sciences student, Utrecht University.
- Mr. Rick Pleijhuis, University Medical Center Groningen.
- Ms. Lotte Elshof, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital in Amsterdam.
- Ms. Chella van der Post, UMC St. Radboud Nijmegen.

Year 2008-2009
- Ms. Minka van Dongen, student of Biomedical Sciences Leiden
- Ms. Kalijn Bol, Nijmegen medical student
- Ms. Lotte Nieuwenhuis, AMC medical student
- Ms. Louise Olde Nordkamp, AMC medical student

Year 2007-2008
- Elly Schaafsma, student of Medicine VU Medical Center Amsterdam
- Mr. Oscar Brouwer, UMC Groningen medical student

Year 2006-2007
- Henk-Marijn de Jonge, student of Medicine University Medical Center Groningen
- Damiette Smit, Biomedical Sciences student Leiden University Medical Center
- Ms. Mirjam Belderbos, Medicine student University Medical Center Utrecht

Year 2005-2006
- Winifred Broekman, UMCG student
- Niels Hulsman, AMC student

Year 2004-2005
- Dagmar Berghuis, LUMC student
- Sven Mieog, LUMC student

Year 2003-2004
- Mr. Man-Chi Wong, LUMC student
- Mr. A.M. Metha (Akash), student LUMC