Internship grants Masterstudents

Travel grant to carry out oncology research at a foreign university or research institute.

The Nijbakker-Morra Foundation has stipends for researchers – graduate academics – to compensate for travel and subsistence costs at a foreign university or research institute for the execution of oncological research there. Preferably, one stays at least a few months at a renowned cancer institute, to answer a clearly framed (sub)research question. The researcher is preferably a PhD candidate or a postdoc who is still at the beginning of his/her research career. We also encourage doctors who combine their training with (PhD) research to respond.


Amount: A maximum of 2,250 euro (within Europe) and 3,600 euro (outside Europe) per application.

Quota: approx. 10 applications per academic year.

Closing dates: There are 2 rounds per academic year. For the first round, applications must be received before 1 October 17:00 and for the second round before 1 April 17:00.

Precondition: Start of travel after application and departure no later than 1 year after closing date.
Decision: within 2 months after closing date.
Reimbursement: 375 euros per month in Europe and 600 euros per month outside Europe, minimum 2 and maximum 6 months.
Within Europe we only reimburse a train ticket for destinations that can be reached in 24 hours by night train, for other destinations within Europe there is a limit of 15 hours. If you do fly or travel by car for these destinations, we will reduce the monthly amount by 25 euros per month.

If you fly or travel by car, please purchase CO2 compensation, which you can declare separately.

Compensation in advance. Afterwards, a short report (A4) with a summary of the research, supplemented by some personal experiences, should be submitted, preferably publishable on the website for the inspiration of others.


Submission based on the instruction included in the application form. As stated in the application form, the application must also be accompanied by letters (certificate) from the host institute in which it clearly indicates that it is willing to host, and by a letter of recommendation from your Dutch university, research institute or department. You must also include your CV with the application.